Sunday, October 11, 2015

Part 1 - 2004 and 2013
2221 paintings exhibited together as a complete idea, a multiple and interwoven whole. Each painting is 10cms x 8cms
Numerous drawings A4+A5
16 x 1hour films
Hand bound artist book, edition of 200 containing 2parts of text in Russian and English, 1part photographs and a 30minute film on CD
Objects and artefacts

Part 2 2013 on-going
At present 191 paintings
10cms x 3cms and 26cms x 21cms
Numerous watercolours and drawings
1 x 30 Minute film with audio
unloud2 publication

Primarily unloud is placed in context of a long tradition of picture making, aesthetic questions and particular narrative traditions most prevalent in northern and eastern Europe. Each of the artworks that make up unloud is a response to a direct encounter with something; a place, a person, an object, an idea, an emotion or a question experienced on The Solovki Archipelago in northern Russia or in relation to its associated narrative histories.
The proposal is to create a space for discussion, a montage, an interwoven whole constructed from numerous elements, the artworks are not fixed by definition or in any way a direct ‘documentation’ they are created in order to open up possible narrative directions for others.                               

so I’m thinking of this as:

the elements of something presented that immediately precede and follow an experience, that points towards its taking place.  

How do we account and discuss our inter-related shared histories today?

Contesting and resisting the pervasive binary documentary narratives unloud asks how the ‘image’ and the act of ‘making images’ combined with ‘where the image performs’ can offer ways to question, negotiate, communicate or describe moments of erasure or remembering in direct reference to cultural narratives of violence, faith and place.
The artworks align themselves with unfolding dialogues that are exploring how to (re) integrate images, actions and words through art into historically active critical conversations concerning the representation of our transnational histories, cultural heritage and the negotiation of how we construct cultural memory for others today.

Zones of activity

unloud takes particular ‘places’ in northern Russia – Solovki Archipelago and the Arkhangelsk oblast, places and narratives in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Eastern Siberia and northern Norway to examine how the significance and the values that landscapes, sites, architecture, human narratives and artefacts hold for individuals and communities can be utilsed using art as a tool construct and question social imagination.

The process is continually driven through extensive on site fieldwork "with my feet on the ground" over the past 11years making film, drawings, photographs, texts, interviews and exploration in private and National Archives.  The resulting fieldwork is then developed at the studio in Sheffield, UK. This is intended to extend the analysis of the ways in which unloud can initiate translation and serve as a form of transmission and circulation of ideas and question forms of knowledge between geographical locations, historical moments and cultural contexts.

0ctober 2015 studio Sheffield - paintings in progress

Please click to enlarge, scroll down to see work in progress and links to video and unloud part 1.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

unloud2 paintings in progress.
each painting 10" x 8" - 26cms x 20cms
small paintings 4" x 3" - 10cms x 8cms

please click to enlarge